El Departamento de Manejo Ambiental de Indiana (IDEM) ha declarado que today and tomorrow July 24th and 25th son Jornadas de acción por la calidad del aire in north central Indiana.
AirNow.gov forecasts that both Ozone and Particulate Matter (PM2.5) will be Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, due to hot sunny weather and wildfire smoke moving back into the region.
Insalubre para grupos sensibles
Even if the forecast is Orange (unhealthy for sensitive groups), there may be times during the day when air quality is OK for outdoor activities. Ozone is often lower in the morning. Check current air quality to see if it is a good time for you to be active outdoors.
Partículas (PM 2.5)
Insalubre para grupos sensibles
Las partículas finas se depositan profundamente en los pulmones y no se pueden exhalar fácilmente.
Sensitive Groups should take steps to reduce their exposure including shortening the amount of time active outdoors or choosing less strenuous activities.
¡Haz tu parte para ayudar a limpiar el aire tomando acción!
- Carpool or use public transportation
- Avoid using gas-powered equipment
- Turn off engines instead of idling
- Do not burn trash or other debris
- Use propane gas instead of charcoal when grilling
Para obtener más información sobre las acciones que puede tomar, visite el Aire limpio Michiana sitio web. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con MACOG al 574-287-1829 o macogdir@macog.com.