Subject: Trash & Recycling Pickup Delays Due to Icy Roads Dear Mishawaka Residents, I wanted to take a moment to update you on trash and recycling pickup as we deal with the challenges of icy road conditions. Waste Management is doing everything they can to complete routes as scheduled; however, safety must come first. If your trash is not picked up today, please know that crews will make every effort to collect it tomorrow. We understand the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these weather-related delays. Thank you for your cooperation, and please stay safe in these conditions. Best regards, Matt Lentsch      

MPD announces Police Officers of the Year for 2022 – Lt. James Bartlett & K9 Bailey

(City of Mishawaka) “It is with great pride that I announce Lt. James Bartlett and his partner K9 Bailey as the recipients of the Mishawaka Police Department’s “Officers of the Year” for 2022,” stated MPD Chief Ken Witkowski.  The announcement was made at the Mishawaka Board of Public Works and Safety meeting on 5/16/2023.

Throughout 2022, Lt. Bartlett and Bailey were very busy recovering drugs, guns, currency and making arrests. In 2022 they seized over 360 lbs. of methamphetamine, 200 grams of heroin, 48 plus pounds of marijuana, 40 plus grams of cocaine, 500 fentanyl pills, 11 guns and $6500 in currency.

Lt. Bartlett and Bailey are a true working team that gets the job done. Bailey is very driven and knows what it takes to be rewarded with his “red ball” when completing a job.

Lt. Bartlett and Bailey not only seized drugs and made notable arrests in 2022, they’ve also made a great and positive impact with public relations in the Community. They have visited several schools, Neighborhood Watch Meetings, Park events, Fundraisers, businesses, etc. throughout the City of Mishawaka.

As the handler of Bailey, Lt. Bartlett has done a phenomenal job with the daily care and training it takes to keep Bailey in top shape to perform his duties. Bailey has become a popular and well-loved asset to the MPD. Needless to say, he has become a “rock-star” in the Community.

This Administration is very proud of Lt. Bartlett and Bailey’s achievements, and their allegiance and devotion they show in their daily duties.  MPD Chief Ken Witkowski further communicated, “On behalf of the MPD, I am honored to present Lt. Bartlett & Bailey as “Officers of the Year” for 2022.”

