Subject: Trash & Recycling Pickup Delays Due to Icy Roads Dear Mishawaka Residents, I wanted to take a moment to update you on trash and recycling pickup as we deal with the challenges of icy road conditions. Waste Management is doing everything they can to complete routes as scheduled; however, safety must come first. If your trash is not picked up today, please know that crews will make every effort to collect it tomorrow. We understand the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these weather-related delays. Thank you for your cooperation, and please stay safe in these conditions. Best regards, Matt Lentsch      

pmñ2024 f39572024-02-29T15:39:57-05:00pmjueves

El propio jefe del MPD de Mishawaka, Ken Witkowski, en las noticias Presentando en turnos de 12 horas en la reunión vecinal de West End (concejal Woody Emmons)

El Departamento de Policía de Mishawaka aborda el cambio de turno ( El jefe de policía de Mishawaka dará información actualizada sobre el nuevo horario de turnos de 12 horas del departamento ( Se celebró una reunión sobre el cambio de horario del Departamento de Policía de Mishawaka ( Mishawaka

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