WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – City of Mishawaka        

Sewer Insurance Program

Preventative Maintenance

The Sewer Maintenance Department has a continual preventive maintenance program, which consists of routine inspections of the sewer collection system. The preventative maintenance program has helped to eliminate expensive emergency operations, reduce or eliminate basement flooding, prolong the life of the sewer collection system and minimize damaging surface improvements such as streets and sidewalks.

Sanitary Sewer Lateral Insurance Program

There is a $2.20 monthly fee for Sewer Insurance that is included on qualifying residential utility bills. This fee protects the single-family residential homeowner from paying catastrophic sewer repair costs. The homeowner is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their sanitary sewer lateral from their home to the sewer main in the street. This includes paying all routine sewer lateral cleaning costs. If the lateral fails outside the home, and requires repair or replacement, the owner pays a $250 deductible fee for an owner-occupied home, or a $500 deductible fee for a renter-occupied single-family home.

The Sewer Insurance Fund will pay all repair costs in excess of the deductible for the repair of a sanitary sewer lateral connection from the foundation wall of the home to the sewer main in the street. The costs of removal and replacement of the street, curb, and sidewalk as a result of the repair are included.

In addition to repairing failed sanitary sewer laterals, the sewer insurance program helps fund the replacements of all existing sewer laterals located on sewer main replacement projects. This replacement minimizes the need to repair a sewer lateral in a newly reconstructed street. These funds are also used to separate shared laterals that exist between two homes when an interconnected lateral is discovered.

Please contact the Sewer Maintenance Department for further information regarding this program or to request a sewer lateral repair.

City of Mishiwaka Indiana, The Princess City Established 1833

Sewer Maintenance

700 Union Street
Mishawaka, IN  46544

Phone: 574-258-1715
Fax: (574) 258-1744
Email Us

Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Manager: Tom Dolly

Assistant Manager: Ian McAllister

Project Coordinator: Melanie Weber
