Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS used to map information with associated geographic location

Geographic Information System, or GIS, is a computer technology that associates data in relation to location utilizing smart mapping technology. It is estimated that 80 to 90 percent of all information kept by local governments has a geographic location associated with it. The Mishawaka Engineering Department manages the overall city-wide GIS system including coordinating the City’s use of the software, servers, databases, and related information, processing data collected in the field, and providing convenient visually oriented information for City employees, residents, and business owners.

One of the primary responsibilities of the GIS staff is to maintain spatial data and provide mapping to support the operations of City Departments and produce timely updated data for public use. The City’s public GIS gallery offers a wide variety of maps with general information and aerial photography in online interactive and printable formats. Additional involvement includes interfacing the primary GIS software with software systems for permitting, asset management, and other applications. All web-related GIS applications involve creating and maintaining GIS maps provided for the public as well as for field capabilities by City Departments, such as utility locating, entering real-time data in the field, and mapping data lookup.

For more information related to Mishawaka’s Geographic Information System (GIS), contact the Engineering Department

City of Mishiwaka Indiana, The Princess City Established 1833


100 Lincolnway West,
Mishawaka, IN 46544

Phone: (574) 258-5523
Fax: (574) 258-1776
Email Us

City Engineer/Director:
Christine Jamrose, P.E.

Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:45 pm
