WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – City of Mishawaka        

Division of Weights and Measures

How We Serve the City of Mishawaka

The weights and measures division benefits all City of Mishawaka buyers and sellers in commercial transactions. The division is responsible for checking the accuracy of all commercial weighting and measuring equipment in the City, from gas pumps to grocery store scales.

The division investigates and resolves consumer complains relating to weighing and measuring equipment accuracy. For gas pump complaints, we need to know the specific pump number and grade. If you have a complaint, please call or email us.

The Department of Weights and Measures Code

The following is excerpted from the Municipal Code. To view the complete document in detail, see chapter 120 of our municipal code book.

(A) In all agreements hereafter made in the city for the purchase, sale, exchange or barter of merchandise by weight or measure, the following shall be the standards of the weights and measures, unless in each particular case it is otherwise agreed by the parties to the agreement. For determining the quantity of any merchandise by weight, except in dispensing medicines and weighing gold and silver and other precious metals or precious stones, the pound avoirdupois as used in England shall be the unit weight. As such, the following weights shall apply:

27 11/12 grains shall equal 1 dram.
16 drams shall equal 1 ounce.
16 ounces shall equal 1 pound.
25 pounds shall equal 1 quarter.
4 quarters shall equal.1 hundredweight.
20 hundredweight shall equal 1 ton.

(B) Where the quantity of such merchandise is to be determined by lineal measure, the unit of measure shall be the foot as now used in England and generally throughout the United States, and shall be as follow:

12 inches shall equal I foot.
3 feet shall equal 1 yard.
5-1/2 yards or 16-1/2 feet shall equal I rod.

(C) The unit of measure for liquid shall be the gallon, containing 231 cubic inches. In addition, the following shall apply:

4 gills shall equal 1 pint.
2 pints shall equal 1 quart.
4 quarts shall equal 1 gallon.

(D) The unit of measure for quantity by the capacity of merchandise not liquid, and not determined by any one of the other measures before mentioned, shall be the bushel, containing 2150.42 cubic inches, as follow:

2 pints shall equal 1 quart.
4 quarts shall equal 1 gallon.
2 gallons shall equal 1 peck.
4 pecks shall equal 1 bushel.

It shall be unlawful for any person or company engaged in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, bartering, peddling or hawking in the city any goods or merchandise to refuse to exhibit to the Inspector of Weights and Measures on demand by the inspector for the purpose of inspection or test under the provisions of this chapter any weights, measures, scales, beams or other instruments or means for determining quantity used or proposed to be used in the business.

It shall be unlawful for any person or company engaged in the business of buying, selling, exchanging, bartering, peddling or hawking in the city any goods or merchandise to use, in determining the weight or measure of a quantity of the goods or merchandise for the purpose of sale, barter or exchange, any weights, measures, scales, beams or other instruments or means used unless the same shall have been inspected by the Inspector of Weights and Measures as provided in this chapter.

The Board of Public Works and Safety shall appoint an Inspector of Weights and Measures, subject to the approval of the State Division of Weights and Measures (pursuant to IC 24-6-3-4, as may be amended from time to time). The Inspector of Weights and Measures shall, within five days after notice of appointment, take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for other city officers, which oath shall be endorsed upon the inspector’s certificate of appointment and filed herewith in the office of the City Clerk. The inspector shall also execute and file with the mayor a bond with good and sufficient freehold surety, conditioned for the faithful discharge of duties, in the sum of $8,500.

Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $50 nor exceeding $2,500. Each use of any weight or measure in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be held a separate offense. (’68 Code, Title 570, § 13)

Weight and Measures Violations and Fines

Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $50 nor exceeding $2,500. Each use of any weight or measure in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be held a separate offense. (’68 Code, Title 570, § 13)

Please contact us with any further questions.

Indiana Division of Weights, Measures and Metrology

City of Mishiwaka Indiana, The Princess City Established 1833

Code Enforcement

100 Lincolnway West,
Mishawaka, IN

Phone: (574) 258-1612
Fax: (574) 258-1713
Email: codeenforcement@mishawaka.in.gov

Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:45 pm

Director: Ken Witkowski, Jr.

Weights & Measures Inspector:
Roger Shields
Phone: 574-258-1668
