WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – City of Mishawaka Trash Pickup and Recyclables | City of Mishawaka Please know that you must leave your trash and recycling at the curb either the night before or before 6:00am! Keep Bins Clear: Please ensure all bins are placed at least 3 feet away from cars, other bins, and any other objects. This helps our crews collect trash and recycling efficiently and safely.  Please do not place the WM bins on the other side of cars where that arms of the truck cannot reach them!      

City Common Council

Here to Serve the City of Mishawaka

As the legislative body for the City of Mishawaka, the City Common Council is responsible for passing ordinances, resolutions, orders and motions for governing the city. We also control the city’s property, finances and the appropriation of money. These actions are taken at public meetings, which are generally held on the first and third Mondays of the month, in the Council Chambers in Mishawaka City Hall. The public is welcome to attend the meetings and offer comments on our actions.

As elected representatives of the residents of Mishawaka, the members of the council welcome your questions, concerns and comments. Please contact us for additional information and questions.

Council Attorney Mike Trippel works closely with the City Common Council as well as with the City Clerk’s Office and the Mishawaka Legal Department.

Meet the Council

2024 Mishawaka Common Council

1st District

Dale “Woody” Emmons
W. 13th St.
Mishawaka, IN 46544


2nd District

Matt Carroll
515 Miami Club Court
Mishawaka, IN 46544


3rd District

Lou Ann Hazen
411 Manchester Drive
Mishawaka, IN 46544


4th District

Kate Voelker
834 Lincolnway East
Mishawaka, IN 46544



5th District

Anthony “Tony” Violi
225 Omer Avenue
Mishawaka, IN 46545


6th District

Ron Banicki
512 W. Berry Ave.
Mishawaka, IN 46545


At Large

Gregg Hixenbaugh
3405 Greenwood Drive
Mishawaka, IN 46544

At Large

Matt Mammolenti
3811 Rockmount Lane
Mishawaka, IN 46544

At Large

Lacy Hahn
604 WEST 13th Street
Mishawaka, IN 46544

Common Council Public Meeting Livestream
