Historic Preservation Commission

Preserving Historic Treasures in Mishawaka

Mishawaka’s rich 175-year history is proudly admired by all residents. To preserve historic treasures around the city, the Mishawaka Historic Preservation Commission was established in 1990. Mishawaka is a beautiful melting pot of cultures, architecture and communities. We recognize that truly vibrant cities cultivate a mix of historic buildings with a variety of other cultural, commercial and natural resources.

How We Serve You

The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for the local historic site designation and the restoration of historic neighborhoods and buildings. We safeguard the city’s historic and cultural heritage by preserving sites of significance. Mishawaka has 19 single-site landmarks, 12 National Register sites and three multi-site districts. Additionally, we are honored to educate residents about the different methods and merits of preservation.

Mishawaka’s Historic Sites

Take a stroll around Mishawaka and you will see some of our historic landmarks scattered throughout the city. Will’s Clock has helped downtown visitors keep track of their daily schedules since 1871. You can also visit Battell Park for a look back at Mishawaka’s history. First constructed in 1881 as a park and converted to a Civil War memorial in 1884, this park continues to memorialize the many eras of Mishawaka. These are just a few of our beloved historic sites. Learn more about all our historic sites and districts.

Get to Know Us

Alan GrzeskowiakChairperson
Kate VoelkerVice Chair,
Common Council Representative
Michael BultinckMember
Jennifer JohnsMember
Shirley McAlisterMember
Doug MerrittMember
Thomas MorrisMember
Nancy SeidlerMember
Bob SullivanMember
David EisenAdvisory Member
Lacy HahnAdvisory Member
Jason StollerAdvisory Member
Lou Ann Welsh Advisory Member

Need to Get in Touch?

The Historic Preservation Commission normally meets in the Board of Public Works room on the first Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m.  All meetings are open to the public. You may also attend a meeting to offer your thoughts or concerns during Privilege of the Floor.

City of Mishiwaka Indiana, The Princess City Established 1833

Historic Preservation Commission

c/o City of Mishawaka, Planning Department
100 Lincolnway West, Mishawaka, IN

Phone: 574-258-1625

Fax: 574-968-6999

Email: hpc@mishawaka.in.gov
