Mishawaka Sewer Maintenance Department

About Us

One of the most significant responsibilities of the Sewer Maintenance Department is to maximize the volume of sewage transported through the underground sewers to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is best accomplished by scheduling routine maintenance, televising, and cleaning of the sewer collection system, which can significantly improve the capacity of the sewers to flow under normal conditions. 

In 1989, the Engineering Department was reorganized into three divisions: Engineering, Sewer Maintenance, and Construction Management. In 1990, after several months of study, the Sewer Maintenance Department was formed under the direction of the Engineering Department. Due to more stringent monitoring requirements of the City’s combined sewer overflows, and the implementation of an approved sewer use plan submitted to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), better documentation of sewer cleaning and maintenance records were required. It became apparent that more time and attention were needed for the aging infrastructure.

Since its inception, the Sewer Maintenance Department has developed into a crew of 17 highly trained employees with varying duties and responsibilities.

What We Do and Who We Serve

The Sewer Maintenance Department is a well-planned and well-equipped group of employees, with two combination cleaning trucks, two video inspection trucks, and various repair equipment that manages over 200 miles of sanitary and storm sewers. 

The Sewer Maintenance Department is responsible for the maintenance and rehabilitation of all aspects of the sanitary and storm sewer system including manholes, catch basins, inlets, and sewer mains. Other responsibilities include inspections of sewer system extensions within new developments, sewer televising, GIS mapping of the sewer network, locating sewers for contractors preparing to excavate (dig), sanitary sewer connection inspections for new homes, assisting homeowners in identifying the source of their sewer problems, and responding to citizen inquiries.

The customers we serve predominantly fund the Mishawaka Sewer Maintenance Department.

Sewer Insurance Program

Mishawaka proudly offers the Sewer Insurance Program to City residents. This program is in place to provide assistance to residents in the event their sanitary sewer lateral fails and is in need of repair. Please contact the Sewer Maintenance Department for further information regarding this program or to request a sewer lateral repair.

City of Mishiwaka Indiana, The Princess City Established 1833

Sewer Maintenance

700 Union Street
Mishawaka, IN  46544

Phone: 574-258-1715
Fax: (574) 258-1744
Email Us

Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Manager: Tom Dolly

Assistant Manager: Ian McAllister

Office Coordinator: Rachelle Hodgson
