WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – City of Mishawaka Trash Pickup and Recyclables | City of Mishawaka Please know that you must leave your trash and recycling at the curb either the night before or before 6:00am! Keep Bins Clear: Please ensure all bins are placed at least 3 feet away from cars, other bins, and any other objects. This helps our crews collect trash and recycling efficiently and safely.  Please do not place the WM bins on the other side of cars where that arms of the truck cannot reach them!      

Air Quality Action Day Today

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has declared that today Saturday June 3 is an Air Quality Action Day in our region for Ozone. 

After a brief respite after Thursday’s much needed rain, hot weather continues through the weekend and ground-level ozone more readily forms on warm, sunny days. For current conditions and the air quality forecast, visit IDEM SmogWatch.


Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

Sensitive groups (people with respiratory diseases, older adults, and children) should reduce prolonged outdoor exertion, and check the air quality this week.

Particulate Matter (PM2.5)


People unusually sensitive to air pollution should consider reducing prolonged outdoor exertion.

Do your part to help clean the air by taking action!

  1. Bike, Walk, carpool, or take the bus
  2. Perform regular vehicle maintenance
  3. Conserve fuel by combining trips
  4. Refuel your car in the evening
  5. Reduce engine idling time


For more information about actions you can take, visit the Clean Air Michiana website. If you have questions, contact MACOG at 574-287-1829 or macogdir@macog.com.
