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2nd Front Porch Friday with Mayor Dave Wood

Front porches are as American as apple pie, and the history of the American front porch is in some ways the history of the American people as well.  It is a place to gather and experience community and conversation with family and friends.

Approximately 30 Mishawaka citizens attended the 2nd “Mishawaka’s Front Porch Friday with Mayor Dave Wood”.  The event was held on the front porch of the Mishawaka Utilities Business Office at 107 North Main Street, Mishawka.  It was a great time for Mishawaka citizens to come and have conversation with Mayor Wood and to share a cold lemonade.

The event took place on Friday, July 21st from noon to 1:30pm. In an effort to most effectively serve the citizens of Mishawaka, Mayor Dave Wood took time this past Friday, July 21st to have constituents’ conversations.



