Reminder: Snow Removal Is the Responsibility of Property Owners and Occupants – With a winter storm upon us, the City of Mishawaka would like to remind all residents and property owners of their responsibility to keep sidewalks clear of snow and debris in accordance with Mishawaka Code 58-527. Keep Your Water Flowing This Winter: Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes – When temperatures drop below freezing for an extended period, water in pipes can freeze, expand, and cause pipes to burst, leading to water loss and expensive repairs. To help prevent this, we recommend letting your water trickle from a faucet during frigid weather. A small, steady stream of water can keep your lines flowing and reduce the risk of freezing.



For Immediate Release Information, contact

Mayor Dave Wood, 574- 258-1601

Fire Chief Bryon Woodward 574-257-0620



The City of Mishawaka is having a ground-breaking ceremony for a new fire station on Thursday August 10th at 10am at 700 East McKinley Avenue adjacent to Liberty School.   (Park in the Liberty School parking areas if you are attending the event)

Existing Station #2

The new station will replace existing Fire Station #2 that is located at 2332 North Main Street.  The existing station was constructed 60 years ago under then Mayor Joseph Canfield.  When constructed in 1963, existing Station #2 was built to serve the north side of the City.  Based on the growth of the City, Station #2 is now centrally located and is one of four stations operated by the City.  Existing station #2 has served the City well but has been outgrown and is outdated relative to the current Department needs.  The station was built to house 15 firefighters.  It now houses 19 by using a former reporting room for bunk quarters.  When constructed, it was only set up for men with no separate women’s accommodations.  The existing 5,400 square foot station was also built at a time where the station did not house an ambulance. The two apparatus bays are also small by today’s standards.  At this time, there are no plans for the future use of the existing station.  Mayor Wood has identified a goal that the property should be used in some way to better serve the neighborhood.

New Station #2

The project was designed by multiple consultants led by Shive-Hattery Architects of South Bend.  Other design consultants include Mishawaka based firms, the Troyer Group for the site design, and M/E Design Services for the mechanical and electrical design.

Last month, the City awarded the 12 million dollar construction contract to Weigand Construction of South Bend who serves as the City’s Construction Manager as constructor (CMc) for the project.  Funding for the project is being provided from the City’s Consolidated Tax Increment Finance District (TIF).   The project is expected to be complete and operational in the fall of 2024.

The new Fire Station #2 will be 23,000 square feet and places an emphasis on firefighter safety and wellness.  The building includes five apparatus bays and is sized for future City growth.    The building includes 12 individual dorm rooms with separate changing areas and 6 individual restrooms.  This station will house up to 36 firefighters at full occupancy. The current design is essential to create a station that truly is an inclusive, safe place. Identical to Station #4, the proposed training room will also serve a dual purpose and be available to the public as a community room for neighborhood meetings.

The need for this investment is being driven by the significant increases in calls for service.  The Mishawaka Fire Department reached a new yearly milestone in 2022 by responding to 10,686 calls for service (an overall 11% increase) that included 21,660 total apparatus responses in 2022.  This means the department receives on average, 1.2 calls for service every hour.  The greatest number of calls for service continue to be for emergency medical service (EMS) responses. Our ambulances and fire trucks responded to 8,098 (10% increase) calls that required medical care.  Mayor Wood indicated “This is a significant investment in Mishawaka that will provide increased capabilities for public safety for generations to come”.

The City was fortunate to be able to partner with the School City of Mishawaka as part of the planning of the project.  The City was able to acquire the 3.9 acre site from School City in exchange for a new access drive off of McKinley Avenue that will serve both Liberty Elementary school and the Fire Station #2 site.  The Station will also include a new “Survive Alive” space where school children will be brought to the Station to teach fire safety and prevention techniques to elementary school students. Mayor Wood indicated “I am excited that the building is situated right next to Liberty School.  The “Survive Alive” space and the public meeting room makes this project a community asset beyond its role as just a traditional fire station.”

Fire Department Calls for Service
Year Calls Yearly Change
2022 10,686 +1,028
2021 9,658 +1,389
2020 8,269 -61
2019 8,330 +321
2018 8,009 +577
2017 7,432 +231
2016 7,201 +486
2015 6,715 +362
2014 6,353 -72
2013 6,425