Reminder: Snow Removal Is the Responsibility of Property Owners and Occupants – With a winter storm upon us, the City of Mishawaka would like to remind all residents and property owners of their responsibility to keep sidewalks clear of snow and debris in accordance with Mishawaka Code 58-527. Keep Your Water Flowing This Winter: Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes – When temperatures drop below freezing for an extended period, water in pipes can freeze, expand, and cause pipes to burst, leading to water loss and expensive repairs. To help prevent this, we recommend letting your water trickle from a faucet during frigid weather. A small, steady stream of water can keep your lines flowing and reduce the risk of freezing.

Air Quality Action Day – Particulate Matter

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has declared that Monday July 17th is an Air Quality Action Day statewide for  Particulate Matter (PM 2.5).

Current air monitor readings across the northern Indiana remain high for particulates and ozone as the Canadian wildfire plume continues to move slowly through the state. Particulates and ozone are expected to be Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups.

As of 10 am, the Air Quality Index had reached Unhealthy for everyone.



Particulate Matter (PM 2.5)

Unhealthy for Sensitive People

Fine particulate matter settles deep into the lungs and cannot be easily exhaled.

Under current conditions, everyone should take steps to reduce their exposure including shortening the amount of time active outdoors or choosing less strenuous activities.

Do your part to help clean the air by taking action!

  1. Carpool or use public transportation
  2. Avoid using gas-powered equipment
  3. Turn off engines instead of idling
  4. Do not burn trash or other debris
  5. Use propane gas instead of charcoal when grilling


For more information about actions you can take, visit the Clean Air Michiana website. If you have questions, contact MACOG at 574-287-1829 or
