“Feels Good to be Home”
Mayor David A. Wood
Mayor Dave Wood will present the Mishawaka State of the City Address in the Council Chambers which is located on the first floor of City Hall, 100 Lincolnway West, this Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 6:00 P.M. The links to the 2023 Mishawaka State of the City Address and the executive summary are below.
So, what is the current state of our City? The overall state of our city is strong, safe, growing and resilient! This is the time every year when we pause, look back over the previous year and take measure of the progress we have made and the issues we continue to face. In 2022, our City and the world continued to pursue a new normalcy following the COVID-19 pandemic. As it seems to happen every year, we continue to try to keep pace with all the positive happenings in our community and perform the routine activities of city government.
Every year I rightfully give our thanks to all our dedicated employees who continue serve and provide what I believe to be the best municipal services in the State of Indiana. Like everything good that happens in the Princess City, my reporting of the State of the City wouldn’t happen without a team effort. Once again, I would like to thank Tim Brill, Brent Chupp, Jill Norton, Matt Lentsch, Ken Prince, and our department managers for their help in compiling all this valuable information.
What is the current state of our City? While we have made substantial progress over the years making the City a stronger and more livable community, the overall, positive state of our City hasn’t changed for decades, and I don’t get tired of repeating it… Mishawaka continues to be fundamentally STRONG, GROWING, FINANCIALLY STABLE, and SAFE. We continue to strive to be the most livable city in Northern Indiana. We are focused on growing Mishawaka in an orderly fashion and having each and every resident and neighborhood sharing in our prosperity and growth. I am pleased to report that for another year Mishawaka continues to build a community that our future generations can be proud of; one that is not only an attractive place in which to live, work, raise a family, and retire; but also, to visit, shop, seek healthcare, and do business.
I am also pleased to report here that we are not stopping and that we have more community changing initiatives that we continue to pursue. I continue to believe that we should be very optimistic about our future! We have challenges to be sure, but we will continue to meet those challenges head-on to continue to ensure that we thrive as a city.
Every year I choose a theme for the State of the City, the theme I have chosen for this year is “Feels good to be home”.
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