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Mishawaka Fire Department Leaders Receive Nationally Recognized Incident Management Training

Battalion Chief Jeff Hums and Assistant Chief Josh Jester Successfully Complete Enhanced Incident Management Course

Last week, BC Hums and AC Jester had the unique opportunity to attend the Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course in College Station, TX. The intensive training program, conducted by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) on their campus, provided valuable insights into emergency management and incident response. What makes this even more impressive is that the entire course was fully funded by a generous grant from FEMA/DHS (Federal Emergency Management Agency/Department of Homeland Security).

The Enhanced Incident Management/Unified Command for All Hazards course is designed to equip emergency responders, incident commanders, and those responsible for managing emergency situations with the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage incidents of all types and sizes. During the intensive training, participants learned about the Incident Command System (ICS), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the principles of unified command – crucial components in ensuring a coordinated and effective response to any hazard.

TEEX, one of the nation’s premier training institutions for emergency responders and disaster preparedness, has a long-standing reputation for delivering high-quality courses. BC Hums and AC Jester were fortunate to learn from experienced instructors at TEEX, who shared their expertise and real-world insights, making the training not only informative but also highly practical.

The fact that our Mishawaka Firefighters were able to attend this course at no cost is a testament to the commitment of FEMA and DHS to enhance the nation’s emergency management capabilities. Their generous funding allowed these dedicated individuals to receive world-class training that will undoubtedly contribute to improved incident management and response in their respective roles. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the Incident Command System and unified command principles, they are now better prepared to respond to a wide range of emergencies, from natural disasters to large-scale incidents.



