Reminder: Snow Removal Is the Responsibility of Property Owners and Occupants – With a winter storm upon us, the City of Mishawaka would like to remind all residents and property owners of their responsibility to keep sidewalks clear of snow and debris in accordance with Mishawaka Code 58-527. Keep Your Water Flowing This Winter: Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes – When temperatures drop below freezing for an extended period, water in pipes can freeze, expand, and cause pipes to burst, leading to water loss and expensive repairs. To help prevent this, we recommend letting your water trickle from a faucet during frigid weather. A small, steady stream of water can keep your lines flowing and reduce the risk of freezing.


October 13, 2023                                                                   


For Immediate Release

For further information contact Mayor David Wood574-258-1601 or Street Commissioner, Tim Ryan 574-1660 or Matthew Lentsch, Executive Director for Development and Governmental Affairs – (574)535-8679


Mayor David Wood announced today that the Mishawaka Street Department will begin the city’s annual fall leaf pick-up program on Monday, October 30th, 2023.  This means that Mishawaka residents may begin raking their leaves to the curbside starting the weekend of October 28th and October 29th.

The Street Department will follow a schedule that should help residents plan their leaf raking activities.  Leaves will be picked up each week the day before each resident’s regular trash pick-up day.  For example, if a resident’s trash pick-up day is on Wednesday, the Mishawaka Street Department will pick up leaves from that residence on Tuesday.  Those with a Monday trash pick-up day will have their leaves picked up on Friday.  Mayor Wood states, “As in years past, residents can expect around six passes through their neighborhood during the fall leaf pick-up.  This is a successful program that the City of Mishawaka has been able to offer to its residents for over 30 years due to strategic planning and budgeting. It is yet another example of the world-class service that Mishawaka residents are indeed fortunate to receive.  Even if we have inclement weather, the Mishawaka Street Department is prepared to provide this weekly service with little or no interruption.”

Leaves should be raked to the edge of the curb and should be free of branches, twigs, stones or similar foreign objects which can damage equipment and delay leaf pick-up.  Residents are encouraged not to rake leaves into the street immediately after a vacuum unit has passed through an area because the vacuum will not return until the next scheduled pick-up date.  Meanwhile, leaves on the curb may clog sewer inlets or blow back into yards or streets.

Leaves may always be bagged and put out with your weekly trash pick-up, and beginning Monday, October 30th, the City has requested the bag limit with Republic Services to be waived through Friday, December 15th, 2023.  Brush may continue to be taken to the Mishawaka Recycling Center, 1105 East Fifth Street, from 8:30a.m. to 3:15p.m., Tuesday through Saturday if you are a City of Mishawaka resident.  Please note that the Mishawaka Recycling Center’s LAST day of operation will be Saturday, December 2nd, 2023.

Any specific questions about the program can be answered by calling Street Commissioner Tim Ryan at the Mishawaka Street Department, 574-258-1660.
