WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – WM Trash and Recycling Reminders – City of Mishawaka        

Mishawaka Police Department New, Innovative Staffing Model Positively Impacting Public Safety

The MPD in conjunction with the FOP, the Mishawaka Common Council and Mayor Wood’s administration have developed, approved and have now implemented a new, innovative police staffing model that is positively impacting public safety in Mishawaka.

MPD officers now work more hours in their workday.  Shifts have gone from a minimum of 10 officers on duty in 2023 to 14 to 16 at any given time since January of 2024.  Among the many benefits to the community, are more officers on the street.

While MPD Officers are now working more hours annually, they are being compensated accordingly for their time. On average, MPD officers will make $90,000 per year in the second year of the new agreement. As a result, MPD officers are now some of the highest paid officers in the State of Indiana and they also receive more days off in a row including every other weekend, so that officers have quality family time off-duty.  

Here’s how it works: in 2023 the City had 114 officers budgeted and funded in the City budget.  The MPD had approximately 96 officers on the force, and it would have taken the MPD years to get to the 114 budgeted number.  In 2023 MPD officers worked an 8-hour shift on a 6-day on, 3-day off rotation.  There were three shifts.  Since January 1, 2024, the MPD now has 99 officers in the budget (down from 114).  Officers now work 12-hour work shifts, seven days out of a 14-day cycle.

The model takes the MPD to 2-shifts (down from 3). have designed an approach to make this innovative MPD staffing model revenue neutral, by not funding the difference between 99-114 officers.  Mishawaka has also saved on expenses such as equipment, benefits, training, overtime, etc.  This makes a win-win-win situation for the community, our MPD officers and the City!

Perhaps one of the best results so far is that the MPD is already seeing more applicants in the department, including lateral transfers.  Mishawaka and the Mishawaka Police Department is always seeking to hire the best of the best and this ensures their ability to continue to do that into the future.  For more information about how to become a MPD officer please contact our MPD recruiter by email at mpdrecruiter@mishawaka.in.gov.

In Mishawaka there is no public service provided by local government more vital than public safety. Here in the Princess City, protecting Citizens, their property and their neighborhood is job #1.  Thankfully, the proactive approach to police work continues to keep Mishawaka a safe place to live, work and raise a family.






